Dear colleagues and partners,
Roma Education Fund Representative Office in Serbia is inviting you to take part in an online conference “E-learning: trends and innovations” which will take place via Zoom application on November 27, 2020 at 11 am (CET). You can join the online conference via the following link:
The online conference is organized within the “Employment Empowerment of young Roma – Phase II” project funded by the German Financial Cooperation implemented by KfW on behalf of the German Government – Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. The Project encompasses practical support, effective and efficient mechanisms in battling discrimination, as well as creating conditions that enable the Roma people to realize their rights focusing on equal access to education and employment. Main goal of the project is to support social integration of the young Roma by increasing the Roma secondary school pupils’ graduation rate and facilitating their transition into the labor market.
In order to continue implementing the project activities when maintaining physical distance is mandatory due to the epidemiological situation, it is necessary to find the models that will ensure the project’s sustainability and provide the Roma community the access to the planned support measures. E-learning provides the beneficiaries with the opportunity to attend various courses and trainings that contribute to the enhancement of their skills at any time from any place by using their own communication channels.
The draft agenda is enclosed here.
The online conference will be held in Serbian language.
Kind regards,
The Implementing team