Update: June 27th, 2023.
The selected organization for the call below is the Consortioum: “Sebastian Adanko PR Agencija za prevod” and “Jelena Markovic PR Agencija za konsalting i edukaciju centar za radost Smederevska Palanka”.
Official decision HERE
We are pleased to inform you that all interested legal persons are invited to respond to this tender procedure for the above contract. Invitation and the tender documentation could be downloaded from this website. The complete tender dossier includes:
Part A: Information to tenderers:
- Contract Notice
- Instructions to tenderers
- Terms of reference
- Format of the Contract Agreement
- Administrative compliance grid and technical evaluation grid
Part B: Template of tenderers’ offer:
- Tender submission form
- Implementation and methodology approach
- Format of experts’ CVs
Part C: Format of financial offer
We look forward to receiving your tender before the deadline: 21.06.2023 at 15:00. Please send it to the specified address respecting the requirements given in the Instructions to Tenderers. By submitting a tender you accept to receive notification of the outcome of the procedure by electronic means.
Any request for additional information must be made in writing specifying the publication reference and the contract title to the following E-mail: office.serbia@romaeducationfund.org 8 days before the deadline for submission of the tenders.
POZIV ZA PODNOŠENJE PONUDE ZA NABAVKU Finalne evaluacije projekta “Obrazovanje, zapošljavanje, partnerstvo i rodna ravnopravnost: formula za uspeh u strukovnom obrazovanju Roma”, Srbija
Sa zadovoljstvom Vas obaveštavamo da se pozivaju sva zainteresovana pravna lica da podnesu ponudu u tenderskom postupku za navedeni ugovor. Poziv i konkursna dokumentacija mogu se preuzeti sa https://www.romaeducationfund.org. Dosije ponude uključuje:
Deo A: Informacije za ponuđače
- Obaveštenje o ugovoru
- Uputstvo za ponuđače
- Opis poslova
- Model ugovora
- Tabela administrativne usklađenosti i tabela za ocenjivanje
- Obrazac za ponošenje ponude
- Sprovođenje i metodološki pristup
- Format of experts’ CVs
Deo C: Obrazac za podnošenje finansijske ponude
Radujemo se prijemu Vaše ponude do roka za ponošenje ponuda 21.06.2023 do 15:00 časova. Molimo Vas da ponude pošaljete na navedenu adresu u skladu sa zahtevima i uslovima navedenim u Uputstvu za ponuđače. Podnošenjem ponude prihvatate da dobijate obaveštenje o ishodu postupka elektronskim putem.
Dodatna pojašnjenja se mogu tražiti samo u pisanom obliku, sa obaveznim navođenjem referentnog proja nabavke i naziva ugovora na sledeću mail E-mail: office.serbia@romaeducationfund.org>,najkasnije 8 dana pre roka za podnošenje ponuda.
The project “Education, Employment, Partnerships and Gender Equality: A Winning Formula for Roma in Vocational Education and Training” is implemented by Roma Education Fund (REF), Roma Versitas Kosovo* (RVK) and Roma Versitas Albania (RVA) and funded by the Austrian Development Cooperation.
*This designation is without prejudice to positions on status and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.