Please note: Only applications from current (2019-2020) beneficiaries will be accepted.
After 15 years of existence and 10 years of cooperation, Roma Education Fund (REF), in partnership with the German Foundation “Remembrance, Responsibility and Future”(EVZ), is pleased to announce the continuation of the Law and Humanities Program (LHP) for the 2020/2021 academic year.
As both organizations evaluate the program and their strategic priorities for the upcoming years, please note the following for the 2020/2021 academic year:
- Scholarship applications will be accepted only from Roma students from Russia, Moldova and Ukraine who are currently (2019-2020 academic year) receiving scholarships.
- Applications from new LHP candidates will not be accepted. Only renewal (within the same level of studies) beneficiaries will be considered eligible in the scholarship competition.
- Beneficiaries who graduated or will graduate by the end of the current academic year (2019-2020) will not be eligible to apply for upper academic level of studies as they are not considered as renewal students.
The 2020/2021 scholarship cycle has a number of new elements incorporated into the LHP scholarship scheme and application process:
- Short biography/introduction– Roma Education Fund would like to showcase their scholarship recipients on its website with a short introduction and photo. Students are asked to write an introduction of themselves no longer than 200 words. The short introduction will appear under each student’s photo if they are selected to become a scholarship beneficiary.
- Applicants shortlisted for beneficiaries will be requested to submit a photo, which will be attached next to their short introduction on REF’s website.
- Letter of Intent– written as a statement of purpose about your potential to excel in your field, and why REF National Selection Board members should consider you for a scholarship.
- Recommendation letters are no longer required. However, applicants are still required to provide a reference person with contact details at the end of the Letter of Intent (page 4 in OAF).
- Submission of Consent Form reflecting applicants consent to how REF stores, uses, and processes applicants’ personal data.
The deadline to apply for the LHP scholarship is June 20, 2020 for Moldova Russia and Ukraine
For details on how to apply and a breakdown of the scholarship criteria with the new introductions please carefully read the LHP Scholarship Guidelines.