LHP-Enrolment Certificate
Official Enrollment Certificate – must be scanned and uploaded as attachment to the OAF, and must fulfill all requirements:
- Be an original enrollment certificate from the applicants’ university showing that the applicant is enrolled for the academic year 2020-2021 within a state-accredited university in the applicants’ home country, or country of residence (part of the Program’s countries);
- Contain the applicant’s full name, his /her year of study, name of university, faculty, department, specialization, and type of study (i.e. full time, part-time, distance, etc.), and indicate if the academic year consist of one, or two, or three semesters;
- Not bear corrections unless stamped and signed by the issuing person;
Tuition fee certificate – must be scanned and uploaded as attachment to the OAF, and must fulfill all requirements:
- Be an original tuition fee certificate indicating the amount of tuition fee for the entire academic year 2020-2021; or, the tuition fee amount should be indicated on the enrollment certificate; accordingly, an additional stamp needs to be placed next to the amount indicated;
Applicants who will have, by stage two in the competition, a tuition fee invoice indicating proof of payment, should submit it accordingly.
Applicants shortlisted for beneficiaries (Accepted Conditionally and Waiting list) will be requested to submit a personal photo, which will be attached next to their short biographies on REF’s website. Please keep in mind that short bio and photo will be posted on REF’s web site, only of those applicants that will reach the final selection stage and will be approved for scholarship grant.
The photo must be with high resolution with maximum size of up to 5 MB. It should be a front facing professional-looking photo of the applicant as illustrated below. Group photos will not be considered as eligible.