08 Jul 2011 / 12:08
“I cannot count any achievements except the fact that we have a new ‘sentence’ in our language: The Decade of Roma Inclusion 2005-2015… the level of expectations was high back in 2005, but I really believe that the decade is a failure,” says Gelu Duminica, executive director of the Impreuna Agency for Community Development, a Roma organisation based in Bucharest.
08 Jul 2011 / 12:08
“I cannot count any achievements except the fact that we have a new ‘sentence’ in our language: The Decade of Roma Inclusion 2005-2015… the level of expectations was high back in 2005, but I really believe that the decade is a failure,” says Gelu Duminica, executive director of the Impreuna Agency for Community Development, a Roma organisation based in Bucharest.