„The only way for a successful integration is education”
„The only way for a successful integration is education”
Today, 13 August 2012 in three capital schools started “Sunny School”.120 future first graders, that have never went to pre-school, crossed the school threshold to gain useful knowledge and skills, to successfully deal with the school material during the new school year. The summer school will help the children from capital quarters “Hristo Botev”, “Filipovtsi” and “Fakulteta” to adapt themselves into the unfamiliar for them school environment and to get the opportunity of an equal start with coevals. Children will be educated in 148 Secondary school „Prof. Lyubomir Miletich” in district “Slatina”, in 103 Primary school “Vasil Levski” in district “Lyulin”, housing estate ”Filipovtsi” and 75 Primary school „Todor Kableshkov” в quarter „Fakulteta”.
A surprise for the future first graders and their parents was the meeting with Mrs. Jordanka Fandakova. The kids competed to tell her about their favorite fairytales and games. Mayor of Sofia wished to all children to handle successfully with the lessons during the summer school and appealed the parents to send the kids regularly to school: „The only way to a successful integration is education. To have an equal chance they must have previous schooling.” The Mayor of Sofia shared with the representatives of districts, teachers, parents and participators in the project, that Sofia Municipality has received a proposal from the funding organization – Roma Education Fund, to proceed with the project activities. Next year children from quarters “Hristo Botev” and “Filipovtsi” will be included and the school network will be expanded. „We attract European funds for a successful educational integration ”, shared Mrs. Fandakova.
„Sunny school” is part of a project by Sofia Municipality, in partnership with Public Council for realization of Public strategy for „Decade of Roma Inclusion”,with financial support by Roma Educational Fund. The project is continuation of one-year project, which Sofia Municipality realized from March 2011 until April 2012. Basic goal of the project is to assure equal access to schools by roma children and to increase the number of schools, situated close or near the quarters with concentration of roma population, who will accept and educate roma children. In this project cycle it was continued transporting 548 roma children, which have had attended schools outside roma quarter “Fakulteta” during the 2011/2012 school year. In order to desegregate schools will expand their school network, in which roma children will be accepted in quarters: „Slatina”, „Lyulin”, „Poduyane” and „Krasna polyana”.
For more information:
+359 888 26 88 41- Pepa Ilieva,
Project coordinator