This year, the Hungarian Ministry of Education allocates HUF 30 million for the running of the KATAPULT mentor program that supports and helps disadvantaged students to maintain in the tertiary educational system.
This year, the Hungarian Ministry of Education allocates HUF 30 million for the running of the KATAPULT mentor program that supports and helps disadvantaged students to maintain in the tertiary educational system.
The mentor program gathers socially disadvantaged youngsters; their majority is of Roma origin. Tímea Borovszky, Chair of the Roma Integration Office of the Ministry of Education said: the national network is allocated in all tertiary establishments of the country, this year there are HUF 30 million separated for the program.
The mentor program has three main goals: firstly, it aims to improve chances of socially disadvantaged to get into of the Hungarian higher education system with initiation preferences, it also helps them in integrating, and it also greases their skids on the labour-market.
Mentors contact students accepted in universities and colleges before the semester begins and leads them as personal helpmeet into the university life.
First year university students may consult with their school-fellows in upper grades about the current academic requirements or about the process of exam preparations as well. Mentors are the contact persons between students and coordinators of the mentor program network, who offer help in all problems from financing education to everyday problems as well.
Students accepted in any higher education establishments are welcome to participate in the program if their parents have primary school certificate as the highest educational achievement. Those interested must send their necessary documents to meet the requirements. Roma applicants of this year, who joined the network and have been accepted in one of the tertiary educational establishments of the country, make up more than 30% of all applications.
Leaders of the KATAPULT Mentor program are intending to build up a self –efficient network of students and regional project centre as well that will serve as meeting points of future trainings and meetings.
In order to help interested students, information can be obtained for free of charge by calling the „green” line, which is set up for giving useful information about the program.
Tel: +36 /06 80 20 46 41