The event was organized by REF’s partner Roma Versitas Albania on July 13th, in Tirana. It was held in the framework of the “Education, Employment, Partnership and Gender Equability: A winning formula for Roma in Vocational Education and Training” (WinforVET) project, funded by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) with the funds of Austrian Development Cooperation. WinforVET is implemented by the Roma Education Fund (REF), Roma Versitas Kosovo (RVK) and Roma Versitas Albania.
Among the speakers:
- Mrs Elona Fana, Program Manager at the Austrian Development Office in Tirana
- Mrs Etleva Gjelaj, Director of VET Management Department at the National Agency for Employment and Skills (AKPA)
- Mrs Gladiola Cepani, Responsible for Employment Service at the AKPA
- Mrs Elona Kafexhiu, Deputy Director, Salih Çeka School in Elbasan
- Mr Xhet Kafexhiu, The Responsible Person of the Development Department a the Ali Myftiu School in Elbasan
- Mrs Juliana Bici, the Head of Social Economy and Disability Department at the Caritas Albania.
The project’s purpose is to contribute in social inclusion and poverty reduction of the Roma national minority in Albania and Kosovo through supporting vocational education and skills and transition to the labor market. The project focuses on increasing and strengthening the skills of the beneficiaries through a variety of components such as skills, scholarships, internships and soft-skill’s development as well as, cooperation with potential employers. Besides the scholarships, the project aims to combine mentoring, tutoring and customized career orientation. Finally, individual development plans and soft-skills training which are highly relevant to the job market.
“Unemployment is a phenomenon that needs to be addressed. However, it requires cooperation between actors, legal framework and policy for employment and skills according to international standards, as well as financial resources needed. The project has had a positive impact on young people, especially in terms of gender imbalance. The number of women seeking employment is higher than men. It is intended that young people value work and do it correctly and see immigration only as a last resort” – Elona Fana, Program Manager at the Austrian Development Office in Tirana.

Following this round table, each of the guests made recommendations on how the organizations can increase their advocacy efforts and their social inclusion activities, but also about how they can grow the performance of the students and create more employment opportunities for community members who complete a professional education program.
Recommendations | Mr. Emiliano Aliu, Executive Director of Roma Versitas Albania
- To offer career advice and orient students towards professional education.
- To assist the 30-35-year-old category with professional courses to have employment opportunities.
- To allow the Roma community to contribute with work in the fields in which they will be skilled or graduate through Internships.
- To lobby schools, state institutions and civil societies so that information is disseminated and channelled properly through career counselling.
Recommendations | Mrs Elona Fana, Program Manager at the Austrian Development Office in Tirana
- Schools should be ready to give youngsters orientation and career guidance.
- Businesses and companies must be ready to employ young people after they finish Vocational Education Training school or a professional course.
- Businesses should be Roma friendly and support sustainable employment and social support.

Mrs Etleva Gjelaj, Director of VET Management Department at the National Agency for Employment and Skills (AKPA) presented the initiatives taken by AKPA for the inclusiveness of all categories in the labour market:
- 30 professional education schools offer professional skills for all target groups aged 15-21 years, with the only criterion being the completion of a 9-year school.
- The second initiative by the AKPA is the support of targets who have not completed the 9-years of compulsory education by supporting them with a curriculum to close the gaps.
- It should be lobbied for young people in different age groups to enrol in vocational education training schools to enter the labour market since a broad spectrum of professions is covered.
- The Ministerial Decision (VKM no. 666) provides financial support for all target groups in difficulties, facilitating access to professional education.
- Ten professional training centres offer courses for a 4-month short-term for categories over 22 years old.
- Target groups that do not have a 9-year education offer courses to get soft skills, ”smart-start”, digital skills for basic skills in digitization that are offered free of charge for these targets and finally get a certificate.
- A plan for youth is being implemented for providing 6-month internships in the workplace or business. Also, a part of the curriculum is to be done in the classroom to guarantee youth employability.

For Mrs Gladiola Cepani, Responsible for Employment Service at the AKPA the Roma and Egyptian target are a priority and they are supported by the employment program, giving subsidies for six salaries and 12 months of social security. She presented the programs implemented by AKPA (national employment and skills agency):
- “The Program of on-the-job training” makes it possible for people who do not have a profession to be trained in the workplace.
- “Professional internship program” for graduates who are supported for six months with half of the minimum wage.
- The “Program for the unemployed” includes the unemployed over 29 years old who are assisted with a professional course for three months. They are provided with a payment of 6000 ALL per month for a commitment of 2-3 hours a day.
- “The youth guarantee program” provides internships for people over 29 years of age and on-the-job training.
Mr Roni Gashi, the Education and Employment Coordinator at the #WinForVet program presented the success stories of the trainees enrolled or certified in the short-term course. Also, a few who are employed and the problems encountered during the project implementation:
• Trainees drop out of courses and are forced to change residences for personal reasons such as marriage.
• A few others face economic difficulties. They are forced to emigrate abroad.
• The number of men who apply for professional courses has significantly decreased compared to the number of women.

Recommendations | Mr Ermelind Malko sits in the position of the Expert in the Development of Individual needs assessments and personalized career development plans;
• Short-term internships in businesses to get to know the job and understand if they are inclined to that profession. Agreements with businesses.
• Career counselling should start with 9th-grade students oriented toward education alternatives, whether high school or VET.
Recommendations | Mrs Elona Kafexhiu, Deputy Director, Salih Çeka School in Elbasan;
• Focus on identifying special needs through tutoring.
• Offer supplementary lectures for basic subjects.
Recommendations | Mr Xhet Kafexhiu, The Responsible Person of the Development Department a the Ali Myftiu School in Elbasan;
• Training and mentoring on how to create access to e-Albania online portals and IT should be prioritized
• Organized information sessions on profiling in vocational schools.
Mrs Juliana Bici, the Head of Social Economy and Disability Department at the CARITAS ALBANIA shared information on a recent project that Caritas Albania is implementing. The national round table represented a unique opportunity for synergies and sharing good practices as well.
• The “Your Job” project consists of empowering young people and has been implemented in the north of Albania for social inclusion.
• The project is comprehensive and offers professional courses, internships, and social business.
• The lack of male applications is a problem as a result of emigration.
• The project aims to extend its activity throughout Albania and ensure cooperation with RVA.
Recommendations | Mr Ismail Jakupi, the Director of USHTEN in Durres, engaged as a local mentor at the WinForVET project.
• The AKPA should enable contact with businesses to issue notices for vacant positions that are easily identifiable.
• Schools should have info points for informing students regarding education and employment opportunities.
Ms Briselda Reme, Mentor in Tirana;
She recommends that the mediators of the Labor Office announce the vacancies in such a way that the community is informed.

Mr Shpetim Hyseni, one of the WinForVET beneficiaries, said that salaries should be specified based on the professional scale of occupational hazard and experience.

Mr Rexhino Lufta, one of the beneficiaries of the WinForVET program – who attended a course in web development – completed an internship and worked on a few service contracts, shared his experience. He has opened a platform that offers online IT, Social Media and Music courses.