he Georg Eckert Institute, the Council of Europe, and the Roma Education Fund
cordially invite you to a public event on
Representation of Roma in European Curricula and Textbooks
Date/16th of November, 2018
Time/ 17:00 pm
Venue/ CEU, Nador 15, room 101
About the event / How does textbook text produce and reproduce discourses on Roma in European societies? The event will consist of an overview of the project, preliminary research results from Albania, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary and Romania, followed by a discussion on the impact of textbooks on creating and perpetuating inequities in European societies.
The event is free and open to the public.
Please register at mpecak@romaeducationfund.org
For more information about the project please open the link below:
Reception to follow.
About the project / The Georg Eckert Institute (GEI), the Council of Europe (CoE), and the Roma Education Fund (REF) are engaged in a research project titled “The Representation of Roma in European Curricula and Textbooks”. The overall goal of the project is to analyze the representation of Roma in school curricula and textbooks currently used in education in various countries in Europe, in secondary school curricula and textbooks. In a first phase of the project, country reports provided information on Roma being mentioned in national secondary curricula. Further, an analysis of the curricular excerpts provided an evaluation on how Roma are mentioned. In the second phase, an analysis of textbooks in a selected group of countries and disciplines was conducted. The last phase of the project will complete the textbook analysis for all selected countries and disciplines.
Please see attached poster