NRC manual to fight discrimination in education
NRC manual to fight discrimination in education
National Roma Centrum announces that on 6 May 2010 it organized a press conference for the Macedonian media together with the Ministry of Education and Science, where it promoted officially its Manual for prevention and protection from discrimination in education process in Republic of Macedonia. The Manual was introduced by the Minister for Education and Science, Nikola Todorov; Minister without Portfolio, Nezdet Mustafa; and Director of the Department for Development and Promotion of Education in Languages of Members of Ethnic Communities in the MoES, Redzep Ali Cupi.
The Manual is a joint activity of the Ministry of Education and Science, National Roma Centrum, and the Roma Education Fund Budapest, in the frameworks of the “Campaign for Roma education (Enrolment and continuity in the education process)” financed by Roma Education Fund.
The Manual puts Roma children in focus, as being the most vulnerable to all the mistreatment hence their social status, but it will be useful for all participants of the education processes as to eliminate stereotypes and prejudices, which lead to unequal treatment of pupils based on different ethnic, religious or social origin.
The Manual will be soon available for public, all education staff will be trained to its proper implementation. For the preparation of such document the initial idea was to protect all participants in the education process besides its keen to inform, identify, prevent and protect from discrimination and to apply measures, which will foster creating equal opportunities for all children.
“It is a useful tool and contribution for proper planning, realisation and control of the education process in order to prevent segregation and discrimination and to promote anti-discrimination policy – stated Todorov.”
Minister Mustafa stated that the Manual will help in very sensitive issue – “it has its immensity and will serve as lessons how to act in such areas, and especially is useful for the Roma community” – added Mustafa.
Director of the Department for Development and Promotion of Education in Languages of Members of Ethnic Communities, Rezdep Ali Cupi, infomed that the Manual has defined what discrimination, stereotypes, and prejudice are, comprising domestic and international legislation for non discrimination, with clear illustration of some provisions.
The Manual was being prepared over a year by working groups consisted of all MoES sectors and questionnaires in order to perceive the situation in schools.
Source (NRC and MIA)