In October 2011, Sida commissioned Indevelop to carry out an “Outcome assessment and lessons learnt from Swedish Development Cooperation with Macedonia (1999-2012)”.
In October 2011, Sida commissioned Indevelop to carry out an “Outcome assessment and lessons learnt from Swedish Development Cooperation with Macedonia (1999-2012)”.
The title of this report summarises well the main aim of this study, i.e. identifying results on an outcome level as well as providing a better understanding of what the Swedish Government and Sida could learn from the processes of the last decade´s development cooperation with Macedonia. The overarching question in this study is “to what extent and how has Swedish development cooperation been able to support the Republic of Macedonia in preparing itself for European Integration and the EU accession process”. Sida has disbursed altogether about SEK 700 million to Macedonia between 1999-2011 divided between three sectors; agriculture, democracy and human rights and environment.