Over 50 former and current beneficiaries of REF’s Law and Humanities Program gathered in Chisinau, Moldova on July 9-10, 2015 for an annual conference, to discuss about Roma culture, identity, and Roma youth’s civic participation in the region.
Over 50 former and current beneficiaries of REF’s Law and Humanities Program gathered in Chisinau, Moldova on July 9-10, 2015 for an annual conference, to discuss about Roma culture, identity, and Roma youth’s civic participation in the region.
Over the last ten years, the Roma Education Fund (REF), with the financial support from EVZ Stiftung Erinnerung, Verantwortung und Zukunft (Foundation Remembrance, Responsibility and Future), has assisted hundreds of Roma in Moldova, Russia and Ukraine achieve their academic and professional goals with university scholarships through the Law and Humanities Program (LHP). Since 2004, when LHP was launched, 469 Roma benefited of support for accessing university education.
Gathering once a year for a two-day conference to share experiences, affirm their Roma identity and develop new networks and initiatives, these current and former student beneficiaries are united by their Roma background and share a common belief that discrimination and exclusion can be combatted by completing formal education and by serving as role models for successful integration in the labor market. Together, they are part of a broader movement of young Roma intellectuals and leaders who are impacting policies accross Europe and providing a collective voice to challenge stereotypes about the possibilities for Roma inclusion.
The unique event was held in Chisinau this year on the 9-10 of July and focused on REF’s 10 year anniversary, as well as on participants’ professional development and Roma youth empowerment and civic mobilization, while also working to stregthen participants’ Roma identity and pride. The event has been documented in several local media outlets in Moldova with national and local coverage.
Here are some: http://trm.md/ro/mesager/mesager-din-9-iulie-2015/ http://tv7.md/ro/cotidian/cotidian-editie-integrala-ora-22-30-09-07/ , http://www.europalibera.org/content/article/27118914.html , http://diez.md/2015/07/09/roma-education-fund-programul-care-ofera-studentilor-rromi-burse-de-studii-superioare/