CEU’s summer school invites applications from graduate students, junior faculty, researchers and practitioners in universities and other institutions from all over the world.
CEU’s summer school invites applications from graduate students, junior faculty, researchers and practitioners in universities and other institutions from all over the world.
This eight-day-long summer school is aimed at training graduate students and junior researchers at the outset of their careers to become the next generation of teachers and researchers within the broad field of Romany studies. It will contribute directly to building local and regional Roma Research Networks, aiming to use synergies and complementarities between European countries to raise the quality of research and policy preparation.
The course will be taught by leading researchers from Anthropology, Sociology and History discussing the following topics:
● anthropological approaches to culture, poverty and identity (Michael Stewart, UCL/CEU)
● literacy, culture and identity ( Jean-Luc Poueyto, University of Pau)
● demography and migration (Judit Durst, UCL)
● problems with transnational politics (Marton Rovid, Decade of Roma Inclusion, Budapest )
● sociological approaches to marginalisation (Zsuzsa Vidra, Center for Policy Studies, Central European University, Hungary)
● politics of gender and identity (Angela Kocze, Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
● combatting hate speech in post-communist societies (Andras Pap, CEU/ELTE/Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
● anthropology of institutions and practices/representations of inclusion (Elisabeth Tauber, Free University of Bolzano, Italy)
● ethnicity and discrimination: lessons from the courts (Lilla Farkas, CFCF)
The application deadline is February 14, 2014.
Successful applicants selected for participation in the summer course can turn to the European Academic Network on Romani Studies for financial aid as described here:
More detailed information available at http://summer.ceu.hu/romany-2014 . You can check out the latest news and updates on our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/ceu.summer .
We’d be grateful if you could forward this email to those potentially interested in our summer school (individuals, listservs, blogs, electronic journals, etc.) and/or have a short announcement placed on a relevant web site.
If you do not wish to receive our annual program update in the future, please let us know and we’ll remove your name from our list.