“I overcame them thanks to my parents who have always supported me and reminded me that it is okay to be different from others”
As a young person who wants to actively upgrade and invest in one’s capacities, I decided to continue with my studies at the MIT University in the Department of Criminal Law. Since childhood, my dream was to become a lawyer with a Master’s degree in Criminal Law. This dream has been achievable even though the road to it was full of barriers. As a persistent individual, I was aware that continuing towards higher education would be a step closer to my dream.
A precious moment of mine in 2020 was my own performance at the oratory evening organized by Romaversitas- North Macedonia. I had the opportunity to address the Roma community I belong to and other Roma communities. My speech was themed “Concept of a society … but in Germany”, and I felt good speaking in front of a large audience. It appeared that my speech brought about serious journalists’ attention and I was requested to take part in a radio show with the topic on the importance of 8th April, International Roma Day. In addition, my full speech was published on several web portals.
One of the proudest moments has been the representation of the Roma before the United Nations bodies, where I talked about “Human rights and minority language in education”. The audience comprised of a full hall of more than 400 people from all around the world, among whom university professors, diplomats, members of non-governmental organizations, and international organizations. I proposed a few important conclusions that were noted by the representative of North Macedonia from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I also had the opportunity to speak personally with the United Nations Special Rapporteur, Mr. Fernand De Varennes, about the problems of the Roma community.
Are there any events, persons, or role models that influenced you in your personal or professional development?
I gave a speech at an event at the United Nations in Geneva, and it had a great impact on me. I listened to a few talks prepared by human rights activists, ambassadors, scientists, and so on. Surrounding myself with successful people was actually the motivation to move on with bigger strength.
As a child, I encountered both obstacles and challenges. When I was in primary school, I faced humiliation and hatred from a classmate. Luckily, the school authorities stood behind me and the classmate under question was duly punished.
I overcame all the obstacles that stood in my way and I will continue to do so. I overcame them thanks to my parents who have always supported me and reminded me that it is okay to be different from others, and it is wrong to give up one’s dreams because of others.
If you go back to the beginning of your educational journey, what would you have done differently?
I honestly would not change anything. I took every step without regret. My love for the law and the legal profession has started at an early age.
Upon completion of my education, I would like to conduct an internship at a legal office where I can learn the crafts of the profession. My ultimate goal is to be an attorney at law who will help the Roma community and contribute to its quality of life.
Why it is important for Roma to be part of your profession?
Given the fact that many Roma do not know their rights, I see a shortage of Roma lawyers, attorneys at law, and judges. It is important to have more Roma in the legal profession. In North Macedonia, there are only two Roma attorneys at law and one Roma judge which is quite an insufficient number. I know a few Roma in the legal profession who have left North Macedonia in pursuit of a better life.
How do you utilize your Roma cultural heritage in everyday life?
We use the Romani language whenever possible. I personally use a mask with the Roma flag that makes me feel special and protected in times of pandemic caused by COVID 19.
The most unique and valuable pieces of Roma cultural heritage are the Roma flag, the Romani language, the costumes, the Roma anthem, and the dances. These are all specific and beautiful, and distinct, and must be passed from generation to generation.