The Roma Education Fund’s Scholarship Program (REF SP) offers scholarships for Roma students at the university level. Roma who are eligible for the scholarship are citizens or permanent residents of one of the Program countries and will have been accepted at state-accredited universities in their home country or country of residence, pursuing their studies for Bachelor, Master or Doctorate degree.
The Roma Education Fund’s Scholarship Program (REF SP) offers scholarships for Roma students at the university level. Roma who are eligible for the scholarship are citizens or permanent residents of one of the Program countries and will have been accepted at state-accredited universities in their home country or country of residence, pursuing their studies for Bachelor, Master or Doctorate degree.
Program countries
REF SP consists of four scholarship schemes available on a yearly basis: Roma Memorial University Scholarship Program (RMUSP), Law and Humanities Program (LHP), Roma International Scholar Program (RISP), and Roma Health Scholarship Program (RHSP). The schemes are currently implemented in the following countries (“the Program Countries”): Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Kosovo*, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Russia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Turkey, and Ukraine.
Description of the Country Coordinator’s role
The Country Coordinator shall work in close cooperation with the Higher Education Program Manager and/or assigned Program Officers of the REF SP. In its respective country, the Country Coordinator shall be responsible for the overall implementation of the administrative and program-related tasks, as well as with the organizing and unfolding of the Program’s Outreach and information campaign. Furthermore, the Country Coordinator shall be responsible for the preparation and provision of support to the National Selection Board (NSB) evaluation process, selection meeting, and the arrangement of the personal interviews with the scholarship applicants. The Country Coordinator shall also attend and participate in the REF-organized the annual meeting of the Country Coordinators.
The Country Coordinator shall be responsible for performing the Eligibility Check of applications, as well as with maintaining and regularly updating as accurately as possible the information and data in the Scholarship Program’s Online Application System.
For the implementation of REF SP’s scholarship cycle, the Country Coordinator must ensure availability during the essential stages of the Program. The Country Coordinator shall liaise with Higher Education Program Manager and/or assigned Program Officers of the REF SP to be informed regarding such crucial periods, in advance.
The Country Coordinator’s main responsibilities
• Cooperation with REF SP in the Program’s planning process and with the implementation of the work plan in the Program country, which will include: program announcement, program outreach and information campaign, conferences and trainings, facilitating the processes of application, evaluation and selection in the Program country;
• Cooperation with REF SP in organizing and preparing the annual Program materials, announcements, brochures, flyers, and in the arrangement of making occasional translations upon request;
• Keeping a proper record of all Program-related correspondence (general information about the program, student inquiries, student complaints, notifications, suggestions, etc.) and informing REF SP timely of these;
• Assisting students with required clarifications and information in the process of completing and submitting their applications;
• Making the Eligibility Check of the submitted applications, and preparing them for the evaluation process by NSBs;
• Closely liaising with the NSBs during the evaluation process in order to ensure compliance with the set schedule and deadline, and provide assistance in the process, if necessary;
• Accurately and timely maintenance and updating of information and data in the REF SP Online Application System; performing tasks within the system, as assigned;
• Systematically collecting information and evidence about the status of graduation of REF SP beneficiaries studying in graduating academic years;
• Cooperation with REF SP in contracting and setting up the National Selection Board;
• Preparing and providing support for the NSB Selection Meeting and for the individual interviews with applicants;
• Preparing the minutes and report of the Selection Meeting and other events organized within Program’s framework;
• Managing expenses related to the country coordination activities and directing respective payments to the relevant Finance Department for processing (invoices, NSB meeting and interview expenses, etc.);
• Cooperation with the REF SP staff and NSB with scheduling travel and related arrangements;
• Organizing conferences and trainings with scholarship beneficiaries, in accordance with the annual plan and guidelines of specific scholarship schemes;
• Assisting in all implementation stages of REF SP complementary support components which provide the ongoing beneficiaries the opportunity to participate in activities designed to facilitate their academic and professional development (e.g. PDF; foreign language courses; internships; small scale project grants, etc.);
• Providing assistance and support to REF SP for the development and implementation of its REF Alumni Network (guidelines and instructions will be communicated by REF HQ);
• Performing regular checking, data collection and sharing with REF SP of official and relevant information and data regarding developments of the legal and policy framework of the academic environment in the respective Program country;
• Getting familiarized with the higher education legislation of the Coordinator’s country and performing regular monitoring to update its knowledge about it;
• Learning about the existence of other scholarships schemes in Coordinator’s country (both state sponsored and private) as well as about available student mobility schemes, and sharing such information with REF SP;
• Sharing with REF SP information about possible donors and funding opportunities and assisting the Program in fundraising activities;
• Ensuring close co-operation and exchange of relevant information with REF Country Facilitator in the respective Program country.
Staffing requirements
For the successful implementation of the Country Coordinator role the following skill set in the selected staff is essential:
• Bachelor or equivalent degree;
• Relevant experience and sound understanding of the higher educational programs and relevant policy frameworks and their implementation;
• At least three years of work experience in academic program administration /coordination;
• Experience and competencies in working in a multicultural environment;
• Extensive program administration and planning skills, experience in operating with databases;
• Fluency in English and in the country language;
• High level of computer proficiency;
• Excellent communication skills;
• Knowledge of Romani language is considered an added value.
Interested candidates should send their Cover Letter and detailed Curriculum Vitae (EUROPASS format) to no later than 12 September, 2017
Please indicate in the e-mail subject line: “Czech Republic – Scholarship Program Country Coordinator”. Also, kindly indicate at least two references (name, position, email, telephone) whom we may contact.
Please note that applications received after the deadline will not be considered. Only shortlisted candidates will be notified.
If you have any questions, please contact us at the mentioned email address.
Thank you.
*This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.