From April 14 to April 18, Rumyan Russinov, Tunde Kovac and Mihai Surdu, visited Bulgaria to monitor the Vidin Roma children integration project BU 046 and BU 055 on the political and legal preparation for desegregation legislation.
From April 14 to April 18, Rumyan Russinov, Tunde Kovac and Mihai Surdu, visited Bulgaria to monitor the Vidin Roma children integration project BU 046 and BU 055 on the political and legal preparation for desegregation legislation.
They monitored the projects and discussed the evaluation of all desegregation projects in Bulgaria to be started soon and progress on the study of economic benefit of Roma children in Education. The Vidin project, the oldest ongoing project on desegregation in Bulgaria, which has been running for 7 years, has been rated best practices and the project BU 055 satisfactory. Actually while the team was in the field the participatory polling on Roma inclusion, which is part of the project, was conducted and an article covered the story the week after in the New York Times.