The Roma Education Fund hosted its first ever Educators Congress on the eve of International Roma Day, from April 5 to April 7 in Bucharest Romania. Educators of all kinds, from early years to secondary level, and from five different countries, North Macedonia, Serbia, Slovakia, Romania, and Bulgaria, convened together at REF’s inaugural Educators Congress.
The Congress brought together passionate and committed Educators to share their experiences first hand – the challenges and opportunities they witness in their work – and to explore new and innovative approaches in education for and with Roma communities. The Congress included thought provoking sessions to inspire creative thinking in support of the Roma Education Fund’s new strategy and the development of innovative new educational programmes. The Congress also set out to foster new connections among all those committed to positive change for Roma education.

“As part of the REF’s new strategic direction, the foundation is wholeheartedly committed to exploring and harnessing innovative new approaches to education and learning. Education around the world is undergoing a dramatic transformation, accelerated by technology, the climate crisis, the changing world of work and more. The REF Educators Congress forms an integral part of our ongoing learning journey to understand these trends and leverage them in our new direction. The Congress allowed us to hear first-hand from Educators on the frontline of education who understand the challenges, and opportunities, well. It also allowed us to work with a team of seasoned international innovators who bring decades of expertise in the field of education. Together, we are crafting new educational programs aimed at fostering resilient Roma communities” – Ciprian Necula, PhD, chair Roma Education Fund.

REF’s Educators Congress was designed in collaboration with a group of international innovators with backgrounds in education and transformation. The team, including Eleanor Kelly, Douglas Archibald, Sarah Ward, and Julie Temperley, facilitated a dynamic and hands-on event where participants shared insights and generated ideas in fast faced paced, interactive day.
“The commitment, passion and pride of Educators at REF’s first Educator’s Congress was awe inspiring. Against the odds in many circumstances, these Educators have accomplished so much, transforming the lives of children, families and indeed entire communities. As REF embarks on this exciting next chapter in its history, it is right that they do so hand in hand with those Educators who will make their vision a reality.” – Eleanor Kelly.

The REF Educators Congress held in Bucharest represented not only an opportunity to exchange ideas and experiences but also an important step towards improving education and, consequently, the quality of life in Roma communities across Eastern and Central-Eastern Europe.
„If I could bring about a major change tomorrow, I would make sure that education in Romania is tailored to the interests and desires of children. I would give every child the confidence that they can succeed.” – Rebeca Gheorghe, Romanian primary teacher in Bucu village, Ialomița county.

As part of the SPARK program initiated by the foundation in 2024, the Educators’ Congress stands out as one of the three key activities. Collaborating with international innovation experts, REF’s team has actively participated in four virtual learning sessions where they have learned about education innovation around the world. These sessions were led by the following innovation experts:
DAVID PRICE, the Lead for Culture at the Power of Us Agency and a long-time education reformer who has led on numerous education transformation initiatives around the world, including Learning Futures (which introduced highly innovative ways to enhance student engagement in the UK) and Learning Frontiers (an Australian initiative to develop innovative pedagogy in K-12 schools).
VALERIE HANNON, specialized in inspiring systems to re-think what ‘success’ will mean in the 21st century and the implications for education. She is co-founder of the Innovation Unit. Valerie advised the OECD on its Education 2030 project and is now working on its High Performing Systems for Tomorrow program. Her most recent publication is A New Politics for Transforming Education (CSE Melbourne March 2023).
DOUGLAS ARCHIBALD, specialized in the role of networks to support education transformation. He is Executive Director of Whole Education and was a Partner at the Innovation Unit, where he contributed to the early formation of the Global Education Leaders Partnership. Prior to this, Douglas was a manager in Accenture’s Human Performance practice in London, before leading the development of the Knowledge and Innovation Network at Warwick Business School.