On the evening of October 1, 2014 in Brussels, three REF grantees were recognized collected their prizes from Commissioner Stefan Fule, taking home three of the seven awards presented at the Roma Integration Award Ceremony.
On the evening of October 1, 2014 in Brussels, three REF grantees were recognized collected their prizes from Commissioner Stefan Fule, taking home three of the seven awards presented at the Roma Integration Award Ceremony. Official recognition by the European Commission clearly signals how REF’s comprehensive models work to expand access to preschool education, avoid early school leaving in primary education, expand access to secondary and higher education and also provide second chance programs to adults.
Among the four REF-supported nominees competing for recognition – Kosovo’s* Voice of Roma, Ashkali and Egyptians NGO provides educational services, FYR Macedonia’s Ambrela focuses on social inclusion and education, Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Otaharin concentrates on training programs, and Serbia’s CSO Hands of Friendship runs toy libraries and Mothers’ Clubs – three won awards. As NGOs working with one of Europe’s most vulnerable and fastest-growing populations that often has little access to formal education, these Roma-led organizations were in a unique position to showcase personally how they implement and manage, with REF technical assistance and financial support, outstanding examples that promote the right of Romani children to access to quality, inclusive education during a simultanous three-day study tour.
The European Commission, in support of Roma inclusion as one of its priority areas on fundamental rights, organized the Roma Integration Awards to raise awareness of the existing challenges faced by Roma and recognize NGOs that assist Roma communities. Nominees were introduced to EU Institutions of relevance to Roma policy and advocacy organizations through a series of presentations, discussions, and site visits.
After the Roma Integration Award Ceremony, nominees were invited to attend the Romact Approach Convention also hosted by the European Commission in the following days. More than 400 participants in attendance, representative members of the EU, mayors, and elected representatives of Roma communities met to discuss progress and findings of effective social policies. REF-grantee Szilvia Balogh led a presentation on the Your Story component of A Good Start, a comprehensive and flexible ECEC model developed by REF and its partners to help shape the outcomes of its grant program.
The Roma Education Fund would like to thank its donors, partners, grantees, staff and participating families for the hard work over the years that made this achievement possible.
Background of Nominees for the Roma Integration Awards
Bosnia’s Otaharin (awarded) works as a citizens association for the promotion of Roma integration in the community of Bijelijina and Zivinice. Established in 2005, Otaharin provides a multitude of services to improve and expand participation of Roma children in education. Implementing activities that ensure access to schooling includes enrollment assistance, parent meetings, and activities that raise awareness on the importance of education. Additionally, workshops and trainings are held in areas of peer education, non-violent communication, and pedagogical classes. Projects have resulted in 75% school enrollment for children who had not been able to finish up the previous school year due to a few months of abseenteeism, a 95% increase of those successfully finishing primary education, a reduction in class absences by 50%, and at least 48 children enrolled in the Preschool Education Program. For more information on Otaharin visit www.Otaharin.org or www.fb.com/otaharin
Serbia’s CSO Hands of Friendship (awarded) works in the field of Roma education for the protection of human rights and preservation of culture and traditions of the Roma community. “Hands of Friendship” is nominated for the “Mother-child educational project” which aims to improve access to early childhood education in three ways of formal education, alternative early childhood programs, and by developing the capacities of mothers within the family. Evaluation of the program found major positive impacts after the first phase including improved position of Roma women in the community, improved patience among children, and increased attendance rate in PPP by 30 percent to 72 percent. The program serves more than 350 Roma mothers and over 500 Roma children aged 0-7.
Kosovo’s Voice of Roma, Ashkali and Egyptians (nominated) NGO is a general mandate to improve living conditions and social inclusion of Roma and other vulnerable groups in Kosovo. The program educates community members of their rights and available public services. Voice of Roma, Ashkali and Egyptians is an NGO that provides services focusing on three different branches of education, living conditions, and employment. The impact of these beneficiaries has resulted in 77 families living in better housing conditions and more than 100 families in a position to generate income and financially support their families.
*This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.