Following the request of some of our donors and the institutional tradition of REF during the summer of 2012 we advertised an open call for the external evaluation of REF. After a transparent selection process the consortium of Project Cycle, Support GmbH, Switzerland and AppRaisal, Consulting RV, Helsinki was successfully selected.
Following the request of some of our donors and the institutional tradition of REF during the summer of 2012 we advertised an open call for the external evaluation of REF. After a transparent selection process the consortium of Project Cycle, Support GmbH, Switzerland and AppRaisal, Consulting RV, Helsinki was successfully selected.
The evaluation team analysed the impact of REF activities in all target countries, with specific focus on Albania, Hungary, Romania and Serbia. For the purpose of evaluation the team interviewed REF Board members, employees, government institutions, REF grantees and partners, scholarship and grant program beneficiaries, including Roma parents.