Republic of North Macedonia is “One Society for All”,
says Prime Minister Zoran Zaev
On April 8th – International Roma Day, Roma around the globe come together to celebrate their identity, culture and pride. „RomaVersitas Macedonia”, a REF -supported organization marked International Roma Day with an event titled, „Challenges and Perspectives for the Roma in the Republic of North Macedonia” at the Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia.
The invited participants were Zoran Zaev, Prime Minister of the Republic of North Macedonia; Samuel Žbogar, Head of the Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of North Macedonia, Nadir Redzepi, Executive Director of Roma Education Fund (REF), as well as representatives of „Romaversitas” Association in Skopje and their alumni.
Prime Minister Zaev strongly stated that, “Equal rights and dignified life for all- is the only way to a successful Republic of North Macedonia, home for all, integrated into the European Union”. He continued, “This event, apart from looking for the answers to the challenges and perspectives of the Roma in the Republic of North Macedonia, is at the same time another common step to promote and practice our strategic commitment to construct the concept, “One Society for All” in the context of the great European idea – united in diversity are not only an obligation, but a sincere wish.”
REF’s Executive Director, Nadir Redzepi, spoke about the importance education plays in the empowerment of Roma: “Empowerment and self-emancipation occupy a central place in the process of defining our collective plans and deeds as Roma. Education is part of the process of self-emancipation. The REF mission is directly related to Mission 5 of the first Roma Congress in 1971 where it is said that it is necessary to stop the previous way of life and start schooling for Roma children. The so-called “Roma question” cannot be isolated from the overall agenda flows of North Macedonian society. The perspectives of the Roma depend on what kind of society we want to build and how the Roma will articulate their interests and rights”.