First REF Open Day
The Roma Education Fund has successfully organized its first Open Day. The event took place on 17th March in Skopje, Macedonia with the participation of representatives of the Ministry of Justiceand the Ministry of Education in Macedonia, besides many of the present or past and potential future beneficiaries of REF programs.
First REF Open Day
The Roma Education Fund has successfully organized its first Open Day. The event took place on 17th March in Skopje, Macedonia with the participation of representatives of the Ministry of Justiceand the Ministry of Education in Macedonia, besides many of the present or past and potential future beneficiaries of REF programs.
More than 70 people registered for the event where they could pose their questions abount Grant programs, scholarship schemes etc. REF Staff both from Budapest and Macedonia answered all these inquiries.
Quotes from the speeches:
Mr. Ibrahim Ibrahimi, Deputy Minister of Justice, Macedonian Government
“REF is one of the biggest supporter in Roma education not only in Macedonia but also in Europe. The Government of the Republic of Macedonia this year for the first time has financed more then the previous years for Roma education, the Government has financed over then 100.000,00 Euros from the Government Budget for supporting Roma education in partnership with the Roma Education Fund. We hope that after finishing of this project the future cooperation between REF and the Macedonian Government will continue”.
Mr. Redzep Ali Cupi, Director of the Bureau for Development and Promotion of Education in the Languages of the Nationalities – Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Macedonia.
“REF is one of the biggest partners to the Macedonian Ministry of Education and Science (MoES) regarding Roma education. MoES and REF this school year have granted 455 scholarships for Roma secondary students from first, second and third year with GPA 3.00 and above. The project is also providing mentorship and tutorship support for all 1606 Roma secondary students in the Republic of Macedonia. We hope that the same cooperation will continue in future with bigger capacity not only in secondary but also in other level of education. REF is not only partner to MoES regarding the financing of the projects, REF is also giving support to MoES trough technical assistance for creating mechanisms which will make easier enrollment of Roma in the educational institutions, which will decrease the drop out rate and will increase the retention rate and the results of Roma students”.