Roma Education Fund defines a new strategic direction for 2021-2030 based on an assessment of REF’s operations, trends and approaches to promote inclusive education and counter discrimination and priorities to achieve its mission. The framework provides a simplified Theory of Change showing the logic of how interventions contribute to achieving REF’s mission.
The strategic framework builds on the following facts:
- Early childhood education, access to preschool and primary education are key investments for successful learning outcomes and personal development.
- While the enrollment gap between the mainstream population and Roma in primary education is minimal, the gap gradually widens at each subsequent level resulting in a significant gap at the tertiary level.
- There is evidence of a close correlation between the quality of education and the resilience of pupils, on the one hand, and the education outcomes at all levels of education.
- Schools that ensure quality of learning outcomes and deal effectively with the diversity of its pupils are successful in integrating Roma children. This requires improvements throughout the whole education system. Without such systemic change, the interventions of REF will hardly be sustainable.
- Despite the currently adverse socio-political situation regarding the concerns of Roma/minorities in a number of countries, seeking dialogue and cooperation with state institutions and working with local systems is indispensable for reforming the education system.
The strategic orientation of REF responds to these facts by focusing REF programs on promoting and protecting the interests of Roma in education and, by that, contributing to the development of high quality, inclusive education systems.
The document can be downloaded by clicking the link here.