The Roma Education Fund’s Strategy Paper and Business Plan for 2015-2020 was developed by REF’s senior managers in consultation with REF’s Board last year. Approved in November 2014 by REF’s Board, these documents will shape and guide how REF focuses on its mission in the next operational period, 2015-2020, with its commensurate mid- and long-term goals and the strategic directions for achieving them.
The Roma Education Fund’s Strategy Paper and Business Plan for 2015-2020 was developed by REF’s senior managers in consultation with REF’s Board last year. Approved in November 2014 by REF’s Board, these documents will shape and guide how REF focuses on its mission in the next operational period, 2015-2020, with its commensurate mid- and long-term goals and the strategic directions for achieving them.
The Strategy Paper illuminates how REF intends to embed effective models for inclusive Roma education through strong partnerships with national and sub-national education authorities and with substantive Roma participation. This requires intense communication throughout the process of adjusting REF’s five grant models to national and local contexts. This move from proposal-based to model-based program design and funding is a clear sign of REF’s increased accountability and ownership of the projects and their results, and will increase the capacity to expand and enhance these models.
The REF five-year business plan includes a clear financing and funding strategy to support REF’s four core priorities and five models for the 2015-2020 planning period. The business plan also includes a multi-dimensional heat-map analysis of the situation in each of the countries. REF intends to deliver on its objectives, and towards this end to continue to increase support from its donors and to diversify its funding base.
In summary, as a grant maker, REF is uniquely qualified to continue to deliver high quality programs and demonstrate tangible results across the Decade countries and beyond. It has a proven track record of developing and implementing complex programs in collaboration with governments and civil society. All of REF’s achievements are attributable to the priority given to Roma participation. As a legitimate and sustainable organization, REF serves as a catalyst driving the debate for fundamental educational reform. REF’s heightened profile and an even wider recognition of its preeminence in the field across Europe, combined with a growing body of concrete achievements on the ground will prove to be key in sustaining the momentum to narrow the gap in education between Roma and non-Roma up to, and way beyond 2020.
To download the Business Plan, click here.
To download the Strategy Paper, click here.