Young Roma from Slovakia, who are REF beneficiaries in vocational and tertiary education, met the president Zuzana Čaputová today, 13 September, at a REFSlovakia-facilitated meeting at the Presidency in Bratislava.
“I am very excited about today’s meeting with knowledgeable young people who want to actively contribute to the development of Slovakia. They study subjects like biochemistry, pharmacy, educational studies, social work, etc. and these people are also dedicated to voluntary activities both at home and abroad. I am proud of them because they are inspiration for all Slovak citizens. However, reality is such that we do not all have the same opportunities. Probability that a child from a village gets to college is less than one percentage. Therefore, if we want young people like these I am with today to become more, we really need to systematically support the education of Roma children, since childhood actually. That’s how Roma could live live a dignified life. And we want to live with dignity”, said in a speech President Zuzana Čaputová.
Country Factsheet on REF’s interventions in Slovakia in Slovak language read REF_infografika