The Roma Education Fund was pleased to be among the supporters of an international conference on education held June 2-3, 2017 in Prague, Czech Republic. “Quality Education for Everyone was organized by Slovo 21 under the auspices of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic and the European Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality, Věra Jourová.
The Roma Education Fund was pleased to be among the supporters of an international conference on education held June 2-3, 2017 in Prague, Czech Republic. “Quality Education for Everyone was organized by Slovo 21 under the auspices of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic and the European Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality, Věra Jourová.
The aim of the conference was to introduce good practices, visions and strategies of the most currently discussed topic in the Czech Republic: inclusive education. Furthermore, the aim was to provide not only to the head of school staff but also to the future pedagogues as well as to the general public for whom the conference was open, with a practical sample of the meaning of inclusive education and its implementation in Czech schools as well as at schools abroad. The Education Act amendment has the biggest impact on the quality education of Roma children and students.
The first day was dedicated to the visions, methods and forms of work and other aspects of inclusive education, especially in the Czech Republic. The inputs of individual experts among whom were Mgr. Marie Gottfriedová, the Trmice primary school principal, Mgr. Jan Korda, the primary school Lyčkovo náměstí principal, PaeDr. Eva Váňová, the director of an Authorized Training Center of prof. Feuerstein’s method and the co-founder of Charlie Karlín were interspersed with discussions on the given topic together with the audience of the conference.
Saturday, the 3rd of June was held under the theme of inclusion in the pan-European and North American context. The second day was opened by the European Commissioner Věra Jourová and international experts such as Beáta Oláhová, MBA, Grant Project Program Manager of Roma Education Fund, Jody Carr, MLA, former Minister of Education of New Brunswick and the current elected provincial representative of New Brunswick, Marija Hirvonen, Ph.D, Principal lecturer in Special Needs Education from JAMK University of Applied Sciences.
Ad hoc Committee of Experts on Roma and Traveller Issues (CAHROM) also participated at the conference together with other experts from USA, Finland, Norway, Spain and Canada.
For more information and the complete conference program please visit the following websites ,
For Slovo 21’s complete proceedings on inclusive education in the Czech Republic, please click here.