Reference Letters must be scanned and uploaded as attachments within the corresponding OAF section, and must fulfill the below requirements:
Reference Letters must be scanned and uploaded as attachments within the corresponding OAF section, and must fulfill the below requirements:
• Be issued /written recently (i.e. within the last three months), and reflecting on recent /current events, by a person who can provide relevant comments and observations on the applicant’s academic or professional achievements and/or their involvement in Roma-related activities (i.e. the applicant’s university professor, work supervisor and/or NGO leader);
• Be detailed, informative, relevant, and written specifically to serve the application to REF SP; the reference letter should also bear date, the original signature and stamp (if stamp available);
• Reference Letter shall NOT be written by a relative or a personal friend of the applicant, by a person who applied for REF scholarships for the 2019-2020 academic year, by a member of the National Selection Board, or by a person who is currently receiving a REF scholarship;
• Students applying for any of the REF scholarship schemes are not allowed to write a reference letter for other applicants.
• The Reference Letter must be completed in the REF SP Reference Letter Template available here; please make sure you provide your referee(s) with this template.
Note 1: Reference letters that will fail to comply with the requirements specified above or will be simple certifications of enrollment in academic institution, or employment, etc., will not be considered, and subsequently, the RL will be considered as missing from the application.
Note 2: REF SP understands the fact that a number of applicants, in particular those who are in the first years of bachelor studies, may not have had the opportunity to engage in working with organizations and /or within Roma communities. In such cases, and in absence of previous experience, a Reference Letter issued by a Roma organization can focus on jointly agreed planned activities that will unfold during the academic year for which the applicant may become a REF SP scholarship beneficiary.