Download the Offline Application Form here.
Download the Offline Application Form here.
The Conference Grant is a component of the RHSP meant to encourage ongoing RHSP beneficiaries to enhance their academic and professional development by participating in extra-curricular activities and by building an academic or professional network outside their education institution. For this purpose, the REF RHSP supports RHSP beneficiaries’ participations in conferences in their own countries or abroad during the 2012-2013 academic year.
The maximum amount for a Conference Grant is 1,450 EUR.
RHSP beneficiaries interested to benefit of financial support for attending a Conference in the second half of the 2012-2013 academic year must complete the offline Application Form and submit it to their country coordinator by the deadline: 25th March, 2013.
Eligibility Criteria:
• Applicants should be current RHSP beneficiaries by the time of submitting the application for the Conference Grant;
• Applicants should prove that they have been accepted to participate at the respective conference and that the event organizers are not covering the costs that the applicant is requesting from the Conference Grant support component;
• Applicants should submit proof for any budget expense amount included in the application form;
• Retroactive conferences (i.e. that occurred before the time of the application submission) are not eligible.
Selection Criteria:
Conference Grant support will be provided on a competitive basis, considering the following criteria:
• The applicant’s general academic standing, as proven by his/her GPA for the first semester of the 2012-2013 academic year;
• Relevance of the conference for applicant’s academic specialization;
• The value/importance of the conference for applicant’s academic field and/or for applicant’s personal and professional development;
• Expressed motivation;
• The overall coherence and accuracy of the application.
Please note that there are maximum 5 grants available for each RHSP program country for the 2012-2013 academic year. In case of equally good applications, priority will be given to students who have not benefited of RHSP Conference Grant in the past.
Please note that incomplete applications or applications submitted after the deadlines will not be considered.
All beneficiaries of a Conference Grant support will be expected to submit to their Country Coordinator a report on the funded activity, together with financial justifications (i.e. payment receipts), no later than 2 weeks after the completion of the conference. The submission of the above mentioned report is a condition for the further participation in the REF Scholarship Program schemes.
For any further question related to the RHSP Conference Grants, please contact the Country Coordinator at these coordinates:
Viktoria Petrova
Open Society Institute – Sofia
56 Solunska str.
1000 Sofia, Bulgaria
Tel: +359 2 93 06 625
Email: vpetrova@romaeducationfund.org
Fax:+359 2 9516348
Esma Demirovska
Fondation Open Society Macedonia (FOSM);
Bul. Jane Sandanski 111, P.O.B. 378; 1000 Skopje, Macedonia
Tel: (+389 2 ) 2444 488 ext. 107; (+389) 77 725 -793
Email: esma.demirovska@fosm.mk
Web: www.fosm.mk
Jelica Nikolic
Tel: +381 63 88 74 714
Email: jnikolic@romaeducationfund.org