In cooperation with the Dosta! Campaign the Forum of European Roma Young People (FERYP) within the framework of the Council of Europe “All different –all equal campaign” are organizing the “Roma are Europe:” All different all equal – Summer Camp and Roma Youth Festival. It is a follow-up of the study session in 2005 “Roma Youth – Situation and Perspectives 10 years after the RAXI Campaign” and the Conference “Romaphobia and Anti-Gypsyism – old phenomenon and new challenges in Europe” and the study session “Campaigning for Roma Rights and Equality of Opportunities”.
In cooperation with the Dosta! Campaign the Forum of European Roma Young People (FERYP) within the framework of the Council of Europe “All different –all equal campaign” are organizing the “Roma are Europe:” All different all equal – Summer Camp and Roma Youth Festival. It is a follow-up of the study session in 2005 “Roma Youth – Situation and Perspectives 10 years after the RAXI Campaign” and the Conference “Romaphobia and Anti-Gypsyism – old phenomenon and new challenges in Europe” and the study session “Campaigning for Roma Rights and Equality of Opportunities”.
This project is the biggest activity of FERYP within the Campaign at European level and will deal with issues raised by all 3 previous projects. An impact as a result of the activity is expected not only locally, but also at European level, trough the involvement of membership of FERYP as well as organizations and institutions active on Roma issues.
The working languages of the activity are Romanes, English and Spanish or French with simultaneous interpretation. However the working languages will be selected according to the needs of the participants.
Participation fee: 50 Euro/ head
Deadline for submitting applications: 30 June 2007
For further info, please contact:
Ramiza Sakip
Jane Sandanski str. 12 /5 – 27
Skopje 1000
FYRO Macedonia
Tel: + 389 22 463 450