Skopje, Macedonia 5th of April 2006
National Roma Center
Working sessions Plans and activities for the Roma education in Macedonia on which representatives from government institutions, the local self government and Roma non governmental organizations attended.
Asmet Elezovski, Project Manager
Tel: 031 427 558
Mob: 070258 595
Adress: “Done Bozinov” 11/5, 1 300 Kumanovo
Skopje, Macedonia 5th of April 2006
National Roma Center
Working sessions Plans and activities for the Roma education in Macedonia on which representatives from government institutions, the local self government and Roma non governmental organizations attended.
Asmet Elezovski, Project Manager
Tel: 031 427 558
Mob: 070258 595
Adress: “Done Bozinov” 11/5, 1 300 Kumanovo