The Roma Education Fund is to relocate 88,176 EUR from the budget of the “EU Regional Action for Increasing Education and Employment Opportunities for Roma Youth in Western Balkans and Turkey” (RARE project) in an emergency response to Covid-19 crisis. The relocations are equal to 48,6 % of the total grant budget for the school year 2019/20 in all 7 project countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey).
Owed to the COVID-19 pandemic, Roma families and communities endure disproportioned health, socioeconomic, and educational impacts. For this reason, the REF Network has conducted needs assessment in the targeted countries, which revealed that Roma students and families have difficulties studying remotely. The challenges stem from a few obstacles.
At first, it is the requirement to have daily access to tablets, computers, or mobile phone, as well as internet services. Although different nations launched lessons delivered through TV, there are Roma families which do not possess a TV set, or face obstruction accessing stable electricity.
Second, some Roma students are struggling to find places to study and learn at home, as well as to share devices with their siblings. The students also shared that they lost connection with their teachers and classmates which is of a value for motivation and educational attainment.
Third, Roma parents now obtained the larger responsibility to guide and contribute to their children’s education – a pedagogical role which might not be of the capacity and knowledge of many of them.
In respect to early childhood education, in almost all countries preschool and kindergarten services have been canceled without options for remote learning or support.
The budget modifications under the RARE project were done upon a series of requests of the Implementing Partners Organizations (IPO) in the project countries. The relocations are steered to serve the recent needs of the targeted communities: (1) humanitarian aid; (2) educational materials, educational support and technology, and (3) raising awareness, establishing call centers and logistical help.
With the relocated budget, the new educational activities include organization of online classes for students and delivering virtual mentoring and tutoring. These all became possible through the mainstream online communication platforms and social networks, taking into consideration the development of alternative online services as learning tools.
Another important innovation for the IPOs is the establishment of Emergency Response Call Centers in Albania, North Macedonia and Serbia, which are meant to provide preventive health and safety rules information to Roma families and facilitate access to medical support. Smartphones and SIM cards are to be purchased for the smooth running of the call centers. Young Roma interns are to run the call centers and assist senior Roma in the procurement of food and sanitary supplies. The Young Roma are expected to also inform the respective institutions on potential infection cases in the community.
Due to the heavy lock down, the Covid-19 crises has serious negative implications on the overall socio-economic situation in all RARE countries of operations, particularly on the wellbeing of vulnerable communities such as the Roma community. It is to be expected that the financial challenges will affect education as well. Therefore, support to education of Roma population will be even more important to overcome the challenges associated with low level of education and inability to equally compete in the labor market.
*This designation is without prejudice to positions on status and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.