The new headquarters of the Roma Education Fund (REF) Foundation and the branch of the European Roma Institute for Arts and Culture (ERIAC) were inaugurated on May 25th 2021, with an opening ceremony attended by the President of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić, the Deputy Chair of the Open Society Foundations Alexander Soros, as well as the Ambassador of Germany to Serbia Mr. Thomas Schieb and the Ambassador and Head of Delegation of the European Union to Serbia Mr. Sem Fabrizi. The two organizations – REF and ERIAC – share the same building in the capital of Serbia.
In his opening speech, President Vučić said: “I am very happy that today we can fight for the inclusion of Roma.”
“Roma today represent the youngest population, we have a huge number of Roma future artists, scientists, and workers. Without them, roads will not be built, and art institutions will not be able to work as well.”
The President of Serbia announced that 100 young Roma would be employed in the public sector:
“Although we have learned in this area to fight against others, against diversity, and for our own exclusivity, I am happy that today we can fight for Roma inclusion, for diversity and respect for all those different from those who are the majority, added Aleksandar Vučić.
The President congratulated REF about its results over the 15 years span and conveyed the message that REF could rely on any kind of presidential support about its operations in the country and the region.
“The opening of the European Roma Institute for Arts and Culture and the Roma Education Fund in Belgrade shows how much effort Serbia is investing in preserving the Roma language and culture, quality youth education and greater Roma participation in public life, fighting discrimination and respecting social equality and human rights. In this way, we are creating a better future for all citizens, because a better life for Roma means a better life for Serbia” – President Vučić.
Alexander Soros, Deputy Chair of the Open Society Foundations, welcomed the endeavors of the Serbian government to improve the quality of life of the Roma communities:
“President Vučić has set a new standard for the Western Balkans—and Europe—by opening the first branch of ERIAC and helping the Roma Education Fund relocate to Belgrade. It is my hope that the other leaders of the region and Europe follow suit. My father George Soros and I have sought to advance Roma education, culture, Roma leadership, and economic entrepreneurship, and I am grateful that today we have greatly strengthened their effort.”
REF has an active and growing network of representative offices across Central, Eastern, South-Eastern Europe, and Turkey. The organization provides grants and scholarships to entities and individuals who share their beliefs in quality, inclusive education, and desegregated schools and classrooms.
Redjepali Chupi, the Interim Director of the Roma Education Fund, declared:
“REF wants to create a future in which everyone can develop their full potential and creativity. I am thrilled to welcome ERIAC into our community here in Belgrade. Together we are creating a powerful inner core, aimed at countering stereotypes and prejudices about our community.”
Closing the gap in educational outcomes between Roma and non-Roma ethnics is REF’s mission and ultimate goal. To achieve this, the organization supports policies and programs that ensure quality education for Roma, including the desegregation of education systems.
The Roma Education Fund (REF) is an international foundation, established in 2005 by the Open Society Foundations and the World Bank, within the framework of the Decade of Roma Inclusion. With an active and growing network of representative offices across Central, Eastern, South-Eastern Europe, and Turkey, REF provides grants and scholarships to entities and individuals who share its belief in quality, inclusive education, and desegregated schools and classrooms.
The Roma Education Fund secured over 39,2 million EUR for grants awarded to 496 educational projects in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Kosovo[1], North Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania. Serbia, Slovakia, as well as in international ones. The projects have targeted Roma students from pre-school to tertiary education levels.
The REF Scholarship program estimates of over 18,7 million EUR disbursed for educational stipends for tertiary education students and over 5,2 million for secondary education students in 16 countries in Europe.
In 2020 the Roma Education Fund has created the Emergency Fund in response to COVID-19 crisis and an action plan to guarantee support to the continuation of education in remote learning mode in reaction to the impediments which Roma families encounter since the beginning of the pandemic. The Emergency Fund has been operating with 568, 627 EUR, which have so far secured 4,606 Roma students with mentoring and tutoring classes; 1,545 Roma students – with tablets and Internet access for online studies and 1000 Roma families with humanitarian aid packages.
The Roma Education Funds has been executing the EU-funded project for increasing the educational opportunities of young Roma in Western Balkans and Turkey, as well as Velux Foundations-funded projects, related to education and employment for Roma in secondary education, estimating of over 2 million EUR each.
Only in Serbia REF invested so far 4,513,665 EUR for 63 grants projects and supported 1,806 Roma individuals in tertiary education through various scholarship schemes. Through the intervention named “Employment Empowerment of Young Roma” funded by the German Financial Cooperation and implemented by KfW on behalf of the German Government of over 6,3 million EUR, REF Serbia awarded 1,310 scholarships to Roma students in vocational education and training (VET).
Through the project “Education, Employment, Partnerships and Gender Equality: A Winning Formula for Roma in Vocational Education and Training” (WinForVET), funded by the Austrian Development Cooperation with the amount of 973,000 EUR, REF Serbia and its partners in Albania and Kosovo, disbursed so far 108 scholarships to Roma beneficiaries for VET-related scholarships, training or employment.
The Roma Education Fund strives for good quality early childhood education, access to preschool and primary education as key investments for successful learning outcomes and personal development. This requires improvements throughout the whole education system. Despite the currently adverse socio-political situation regarding the concerns of Roma/minorities in a number of countries, seeking dialogue and cooperation with the state institutions and working with local systems is indispensable for reforming the education system. The strategic orientation of REF responds to these facts by focusing REF programs on promoting and protecting the interests of Roma in education and, by that, contributing to the development of high-quality, inclusive education systems.

[1] This designation is without prejudice to position on status and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.