While Slovakia’s state budget chapter on education for the next year may seem to be increasing, in fact it’s not. The Slovak teachers’ trade unions clam that the announced increase by EUR 16.6 million includes EU funding but if we deduct the EU’s contribution, the budget for 2013 is EUR 7.85 million lower than in 2012. Trade unions worry that this will be reflected in teachers’ salaries, as these, similar to overhead costs, cannot be financed within EU-funded projects. General opinion says there is lack of funding in education, but is that really the case?
While Slovakia’s state budget chapter on education for the next year may seem to be increasing, in fact it’s not. The Slovak teachers’ trade unions clam that the announced increase by EUR 16.6 million includes EU funding but if we deduct the EU’s contribution, the budget for 2013 is EUR 7.85 million lower than in 2012. Trade unions worry that this will be reflected in teachers’ salaries, as these, similar to overhead costs, cannot be financed within EU-funded projects. General opinion says there is lack of funding in education, but is that really the case? Can we find sources in the reserves of the system?
Read full article in English here : Slovakia: Cut education spending to give more money to schools
Slovakian version of the Artcile is downloadable below
” Škrtajte výdavky školstva, dajte viac peňazí na školstvo, aspoň taký je prevládajúci názor učiteľov aj verejnosti. V systéme sú však veľké diery, cez ktoré zbytočne unikajú peniaze. Špeciálne školstvo môže slúžiť ako príklad.“