On 19th and 20 of May, 15 beneficiaries of the “Education, Employment, Partnerships and Gender Equality: A Winning Formula for Roma in Vocational Education and Training” ( WinforVET) project attended the workshop. The training took place in Prizren, Kosovo*. The participants were high school students from municipality of Fushe Kosova and Prishtina.
“Having in mind their age and that most of participants did not have the experience of such a trainings on “CV, Motivation Letter, and how to get prepared for an Interview”, this training was organized on theoretical and practical form, to make the concepts and processes clear and easy to understand. For this purpose, content of the training was divided and developed on two dimensions also, which included content and technical aspect of writing and communicating” – said the trainer Dhurata Prokshi, a PhD student on field of Sociology of Organization at Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje.

“The greatest success and result of this two-day training is the fact that students applied the preparation of CV, Motivation Letter and Interviewing Process during the training and their expressed interest to attend additional trainings that would help them on building their academic skills. Inputs of participants of training students and organizator were positive, especial appreciation was for making proper timing for every part of training – lecturing and working groups. To me as a trainer is great satisfaction to face productive learning process of these high school students. I sensed their potential and readiness to learn and develop their skills. There were differences on their knowledge about respective topic, yet this was not a problematic issue to bring them on same level” – Dhurata Prokshi
Feedback from the students:
“It is great and unexperienced feeling being on a job interview”, said Dafina Stolla from Prishtina.
“Now, if I will need to write a motivation letter, I’ll know how to do it and what does it mean” states Anita Gashi.

“Education, Employment, Partnerships and Gender Equality: A Winning Formula for Roma in Vocational Education and Training” is implemented by REF, Roma Versitas Kosovo (RVK) and Roma Versitas Albania (RVA) and is funded by the Austrian Development Cooperation.
*UNSCR 1244/1999