Azir Azirovic is the first child in a family of seven, in Presevo, Serbia. Currently, he is a student at the Faculty of Science in Novi Sad.
Azir is the one at the left.
Life events Azir is proud of.
“My father taught me to do trade.”
“I am proud of being enrolled in university without affirmative action.”
“I am well-acquainted with the Roma language and tradition in the south of Serbia.”
How would Azir inspire Romani children to go for education?
“It is important to change the mindset of Roma and encourage them to get educated and enroll in profitable occupations. The key to rapid development lies in an industry that is underdeveloped in Serbia.”
Which potential obstacles in education and career path would you warn Romani youth about?
“Try not to view the obstacles in front of you as a bad thing, but as an opportunity to learn something and start afresh.”
Which volunteerism activities did you undertake in a Roma community?
“I volunteered with free legal aid in Roma settlements in Novi Sad.”
“I think that REF scholarship should be awarded to students who either have achieved remarkable academic achievements, or/and who have demonstrated substantial contribution to the progress of their communities.
I believe it is important for Roma tertiary education students to encourage younger high school pupils to continue their studies, because education is the starting point for the advancement and overall development of Roma communities.”