- Application guidelines can be accessed here.
- A REF Ösztöndíjprogram 2013-2014-es tanulmányi évre szóló ciklusa nyitva áll a jelentkezők számára! Az útmutatók elérhetőek itt.
- REF prijíma prihlášky pre štipendijný cyklus na akademický rok 2013-2014! Pokyny pre prihlásenie nájdete tu.
- Ciclul de burse REF pentru anul universitar 2013-2014 este deschis pentru aplicatii! Instructiunile pot fi accesate aici
- Konkurs za REF stipendije za akademsku 2013-2014 godinu je otvoren! Smernice za prijavljivanje možete naći ovde.
- Application guidelines can be accessed here.
- A REF Ösztöndíjprogram 2013-2014-es tanulmányi évre szóló ciklusa nyitva áll a jelentkezők számára! Az útmutatók elérhetőek itt.
- REF prijíma prihlášky pre štipendijný cyklus na akademický rok 2013-2014! Pokyny pre prihlásenie nájdete tu.
- Ciclul de burse REF pentru anul universitar 2013-2014 este deschis pentru aplicatii! Instructiunile pot fi accesate aici
- Konkurs za REF stipendije za akademsku 2013-2014 godinu je otvoren! Smernice za prijavljivanje možete naći ovde.
The main goal of REF’s Scholarships Program is to contribute to the emergence of a critical mass of intellectual
Roma with higher education degrees who are then prepared to become agents for change in their
respective communities and countries. To achieve this goal, the Scholarships Program provides support
to Romani students to facilitate their access to higher education inside and outside their countries of residence
as well as to assist Romani students advancing through all stages of higher education to successfully
graduate. For this, the Scholarships Program offers four academic merit-based scholarship schemes
in 12 countries of the Decade of Roma Inclusion (all Decade countries except Spain) as well as in Moldova,
Russia, Turkey, and Ukraine.
REF’s Scholarship Program granted 1,505 university scholarships in 2012, and has granted 6,395 scholarships in the period 2008-2012.
The REF Scholarship cycle for the 2013-2014 academic year is now open for applications
3 Apr/ 2013