From Segregation to Integrated Schooling A major European challenge for achieving Equality in Education
Brussels Boulevard Hotel 28-29 April
ENAR in partnership with ERIO
Supported by European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities and REF.
From Segregation to Integrated Schooling A major European challenge for achieving Equality in Education
Brussels Boulevard Hotel 28-29 April
ENAR in partnership with ERIO
Supported by European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities and REF.
The objectives of the conference is to Raise awareness among the ENAR membership (600 European NGO), educational specialists, and policy makers about the educational situation of the Roma Community Assess schooling practices including segregated and separate education.
The impact of the anti-discrimination legislation and the EU`s equality directives on the educational strategies towards Roma
Equal rights approach to integrate the Roma community.
Exchange lessons in combating ethnically exclusion in the educational system. Cooperation between Member States, EU institutions civil society and Roma community.
European Network Against Racism
43 rue de la charite B-1210 Bruxelles, Belgium
Tell: 32 2 229 35 70