They cannot read, but are lecturing images, and learning how to tell a story. Talking about a particular club, which is unique in Romania, where more Roma women from Telechiu village – Bihor county- are frequenting. Most are illiterate but they do love their children to overcome ignorance. They gather weekly to listen to a story, read by a teacher and then, they can take them home to their children, grandchildren and enter the land of fairy tales , the stories of magical universe.
They cannot read, but are lecturing images, and learning how to tell a story. Talking about a particular club, which is unique in Romania, where more Roma women from Telechiu village – Bihor county- are frequenting. Most are illiterate but they do love their children to overcome ignorance. They gather weekly to listen to a story, read by a teacher and then, they can take them home to their children, grandchildren and enter the land of fairy tales , the stories of magical universe.
`Do you want your mommy to tell you a story?` (clink on the link and watch the video on the Mothers` club)
Andrea (7 years old) and Rebeca (5 years old) heard a story, for the first time, in their life told by their mother. That’s because their parents, as thousands of Roma mothers who grew up in difficult conditions did not go to school and never learned to read. Monica Varga, a narrator member of the club, said: “It’s very important for me and my girls because my parents were not able to buy me a book.” Now, I can bring home every night the magical world of stories, to my little girls. That’s because Monica is a member of the unique club in Romania.
Camelia Lele, educator explains: “Our project is called storytellers club activity is very new for us and also for the Roma community to which we belong.” Daniela Tutoş, project coordinator says: “Most of the mothers who come to the club, cannot read and write, they do not have elementary studies or they are reading with difficulty and this club will help them develop literacy skills.” A total number of 15 mothers and grandparents entered this club, where weekly they teach about mother on how to say stories to their children, for like two hours.
Daniela Tutoş, the project coordinator said: “Every mother will receive a storybook that will go home and stay in the library of the family. Finishing the 24 sessions, they will have their own mini library at home.” Camelia Lele, teacher confesses: “At first, we short simple stories with colorful images of pets, fruits and vegetables and then we’ll switch to classic stories with longer texts.
” To withhold stories from children’s books, each and every clubmember, the mothers mothers should read or memories some of the sentences. The effort is huge for those moms who have not enjoyed school but they are encouraged to continue still. Laura Varga, storytellers club member said: “I came for the girl, is very important to know how to tell a story every night.” The Universe of stories brings much closer parents and children, as a magnet, it attracts them to school and books. Club storytellers will last about 6 months, during this time the participants will study 24 stories.”
The project represents the continuation of a two years project implementations of the `A Good Start` pilot project, implemented in four countries of Europe (Romania, Macedonia, Hungary and Slovakia, partnering 16 NGOs ).It is the second phase of the AGS project, with support from the European Commission, through the Roma Education Fund – Budapest.