Dear all,
We are pleased to announce that in August we will be opening the enrollment procedure for the REF scholarship programs. It is important to mention that we are also in the process of redesigning these programs. This is why we ask you to pay special attention to this year’s regulations and to the changes that we operated.
Starting 2021-2022 academic year, the scholarships programs will include a special package of activities and opportunities designed to allow us to grow together and to contribute to the emergence of a critical mass of Roma Youth that is able to impact the society in which we live. The program will include financial support, voluntary services and community engagement, internships, mentoring and counseling, workshops and skills development, mobility schemes, small-scale projects and summer camps.
As we mentioned in the introduction, REF is in the process of redesigning its scholarship programs. In this context, only the candidates who were recipients of the 2020-2021 academic year scholarships (renewal applicants) are eligible to apply for the upcoming year*.
Follow our website and our Social Media channels for more updates.
*Renewal applicants – students who received a REF scholarship in the previous academic year – 2020/2021 – and are applying to renew their scholarship for the same academic level (Bachelor, Master, Doctorate)