The Vodafone Hungary Foundation calls for applications of Civil Organizations, Associations, Foundations and Public Foundations and Public Companies with Hungarian official residence and legal operational permit. Project programs must be supporting the scholar performance of primary school aged (6-15 years) Roma children.
Offered grants are non-refundable financial supports; retention is not a must for gaining them. The overall available sum for distribution amongst project applications amounts to 31 625 000 HUF.
The Vodafone Hungary Foundation calls for applications of Civil Organizations, Associations, Foundations and Public Foundations and Public Companies with Hungarian official residence and legal operational permit. Project programs must be supporting the scholar performance of primary school aged (6-15 years) Roma children.
Offered grants are non-refundable financial supports; retention is not a must for gaining them. The overall available sum for distribution amongst project applications amounts to 31 625 000 HUF.
Programs of the project application must be prepared for a full school-year possibly involving the summer holiday period with extra courses. Goals and activities of the programs must be defined squarely, financial plans must be niggling. Historical costs may not exceed over the 30% of the total budget.
Professional CV’s of teachers and professors participating should be attached to the application packages.
Applications have to be submitted via the official Vodafone Hungary Foundation application form in two copies with one copy of Appendix attached by post.
Official Application form can be downloaded from the Vodafone Hungary Foundation website:
Deadline/Date of receipt: 27/04/2007
For further info, please contact:
Magyar Henrietta: 06 1 288 4320
Zolnai Emese: 06 1 288 4446
Postal Address:
Vodafone Magyarország Alapítvány
1096 Budapest,