The stakeholders in Kosovo of the project „Increasing Educational Opportunities of Roma in Western Balkans and Turkey” have welcome the support of the regional and international projects, and expressed their concern that more assistance is needed from Kosovo local institutions, as well as strengthened collaboration with the Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities on the way to improving their education and employment status. This recommendation has been messaged during the policy event in Prishtina, Kosovo, „Challenges and Opportunities for Roma Children and Youth In Kosovo” (16 April, 2019), organized by the Roma Education Fund.
So far, secondary education scholarship have been allocated each year in cooperation with the Agency Responsible for Education in Kosovo. The positive outcome of REF-disbursed scholarships, as well as by other entities, have increased the number of Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian students in secondary education. However, the current number of scholarships is not enough and should be expanded.
Providing textbooks, bussing in early childhood education, tutoring and mentoring are important practices that should continue, the civil society organizations and REF have concluded. Read more in the attached file.
*This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.