Friday 25th May 2012 – Corvinus University, Budapest
Titles of workshops
1. The EU Roma Framework and Education
2. Roma Inclusion: Examples of good practice in UK and Hungarian schools
3. Roma Community: The importance of assertive outreach and improving the relationship between schools and the community.
4. Setting up links with UK and Hungarian schools
5. Roma Resources: How to embed Roma culture into the mainstream curriculum
Friday 25th May 2012 – Corvinus University, Budapest
Titles of workshops
1. The EU Roma Framework and Education
2. Roma Inclusion: Examples of good practice in UK and Hungarian schools
3. Roma Community: The importance of assertive outreach and improving the relationship between schools and the community.
4. Setting up links with UK and Hungarian schools
5. Roma Resources: How to embed Roma culture into the mainstream curriculum
6. Romedia Foundation: Examples and ideas for media projects which challenge negative stereotypes
The British Council and Inclusive Education: Simon.
Ingram Hill – Director of the British Council Hungary
Working Language is English
Venue : Corvinus University of Budapest,
Institute of Sociology and Social Policy, Közraktár utca
4-6, 1093 Budapest (Hungary) Come to Room 106 to register
To register and for more details
contact Andrew Ryder at: