Three vans worth 92,000 euros we... Three vans for transportation of children from Roma and Egyptian communities were donated to the p...
EU Regional Action for Increasin... On 18 December the Roma Education Fund –implemented project on increasing education and employm...
[MEGHOSSZABBÍTVA] Ösztöndíj felh... A Roma Oktatási Alap 2018 áprilisában indította el Roma fiatalok tanulmányait és munkavállal...
13 Implementing Partners Organiz... On 28th November, 13 implementing partners organizations from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Koso...
Damage from fire at REF HQ estim... “We are thankful that no one was injured, but it will take us at least a year to rebuild REF’s a...
Fire broke out in the office bui... Dear friends and partners, A fire broke out in the office building of Roma Education Fund headquarte...
FIRE CAUSES MAJOR DAMAGE TO OFFI... A fire that broke out in the office building of Roma Education Fund (REF) headquarters on Saturday, ...
Representation of Roma in Curric... Two months after their initial workshop at the Georg Eckert, Junior Textbook and Curricula Researche...
Junior Researchers gather in Ger... Eight Junior Research Fellows have arrived at the Georg Eckert Institute for for a 12 day workshop o...
Help us raise €6000 to keep the ... We are delighted to invite you to join Roma Education Fund’s first ever crowdfunding campaign fo...
Over 200 textbooks reviewed by R... Misrepresentation or total absence of Roma are both typical in the hundreds of schoolbooks reviewed ...
Representation of Roma in Europe... The Georg Eckert Institute, the Council of Europe, and the Roma Education Fund cordially invite you ...