Dear audience,
We are pleased to invite you to the online launching event of “Education, Employment, Partnerships and Gender Equality: A Winning Formula for Roma in VET” (WinForVET), implemented by Roma Education Fund (REF) and Roma Versitas Kosovo (RVK) and funded by the Austrian Development Cooperation.
The overall objective of the project is to contribute to social inclusion and poverty reduction of Roma in Albania and Kosovo through support of the vocational education and training, and facilitation to labor market.
The project focuses on strengthening professional skills of beneficiaries through provision of wide range of vocational trainings, paid professional internships, professional skills development, cooperation and partnerships with employers. It includes scholarships, tutoring and mentoring support, as well as development of personalized career development plans, and trainings in soft skills needed for a competitive job market of today.
The event will take place online, via Zoom platform and Facebook Live, on November 6, 2020, from 09:30 – 12:00.
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 893 2101 8742
Passcode: 951144
Facebook event:
Please view the Agenda.
Kindly confirm your participation by replying to
The project banner is downloadable here
The Austrian Development Cooperation supports countries in Africa, Asia, South Eastern and Eastern Europe in their sustainable development.
The Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and International Affairs plans the strategies. The Austrian Development Cooperation implements programs and projects together with public institutions, civil society organizations as well as enterprises.
*This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.