The Manual
A Manual on “Gender Mainstreaming for Gender Equality” has been developed within the project “Education, Employment, Partnerships and Gender Equality: A Winning Formula for Roma in VET” funded by Austrian Development Cooperation and implemented by REF (WinForVET), in cooperation with project partners Roma Versitas Albania and Roma Versitas Kosovo*. The document accentuates on the elaboration of various steps which are part of the gender mainstreaming process, including gender analysis and gender planning. It also provides a background of trends and overview of current state of affairs in achieving gender equality, as well as context for understanding the gender aspect in project interventions.
The Manual expounds on key concepts in the universe of gender issues, such as the process of gender socialization and why it holds the key to how we perceive gender. The report focuses as well on gender responsiveness of the projects, and how the activities can progress from gender blind to gender transformative ones.
View the Manual here.
The Gender Analysis
The project team worked for drafting of gender analysis on the position of Roma women and girls, as well as men and boys in VET, seeking to identify both obstacles and opportunities which women and men encounter in the pursuit of education in Albania and Kosovo. The analysis serves as a basis for the Manual on Gender Mainstreaming, as it informs about the strengths and weaknesses in addressing gender equality through activities; but it is also the tool for adequate monitoring of gender mainstreaming throughout the project.
Gender Analysis VET in Albania
The Gender Equality Training of Trainers
Not the least, between December 17-22, 2020 representatives of REF, Roma Versitas Albania and Roma Versitas Kosovo (namely, 18 women and 6 men) took part in the Training of Trainers (ToT) on “Gender Mainstreaming for Gender Equality”. The ToT has been designed and held online by the trainer Jarmila Bujak Stanko after a thorough consultation with Sibina Golubovic, REF Project Manager from Belgrade, Serbia.
Among the training topics were the key gender concepts; the major historical moments and trends related to gender; gender socialization, i.e., the way society ingrains gender functions into structures and individuals; persistence of gender inequality; gender analysis tools; interpreting gender analysis data; identifying gender-related gaps; the gender mainstreaming process; gender responsive budgeting; Monitoring, Evaluation and learning in gender mainstreaming; gender-sensitive indicators.
Background information:
WinForVET project is implemented in Albania and Kosovo. The local project partners are Roma Versitas Albania and Roma Versitas Kosovo. The activities and outputs of the project are focused on two specific outcomes: education and employability. The primary target groups are up to 300 Roma beneficiaries (50% female) in both countries, as they will receive VET-related scholarships, training or employment.
Project “Education, Employment, Partnerships and Gender Equality: A Winning Formula for Roma in Vocational Education and Training”, is implemented by Roma Education Fund (REF), Roma Versitas Kosovo (RVK) and Roma Versitas Albania (RVA) and funded by the Austrian Development Cooperation.
*This designation is without prejudice to positions on status and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.